Logo QRS Class Blanco

Qualitas Register of Shipping (QRS), is a Recognized Organization (RO), Recognized Security Organization (RSO) and Classification Society (CS) authorized to offer statutory/class certification and services.

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We offers Comprehensive Classification Services designed for vessels in operation, materials used in ship construction, onboard systems and equipment components.

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We performs the necessary technical reviews, audits and surveys for statutory certificates including those related to International Conventions.

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Dev. of Technical Documentation

We can guide and provide technical support in designing hull strength analysis, stability calculation, damage trim and stability calculations and more.

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Approval of Materials, Products and Processes

The Register provides technical supervision in industry, which includes materials and product certification and the recognition of firms.

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Logo QRS Class Blanco

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Recognized Organization (RO), Recognized Security Organization (RSO) and Classification Society (CS).

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