
Approval of Materials, Products and Processes

The Register provides technical supervision in industry, which includes materials and product certification and the recognition of firms.

Technical supervision is the verification of compliance of the items of supervision with QRS

QRS Class requirements are the requirements of QRS Class rules, international conventions and agreements, recommendations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), governments that issued QRS Class its relevant authorization, and additional requirements. 

Approval of material, product, process is the confirmation by QRS Class of compliance with material, product, process and with this giving positive results for certification.

Approval of technical documentation is the confirmation thru a document of compliance of technical documentation by QRS Class.

Type Approval is the approval of material, product, process that is considered by QRS Class as a representation of the given products without reference to a specific item of technical supervision.

According to the results of technical supervision, the Register issues for items of technical supervision the documents that certify the compliance of the item of technical supervision with a QRS Class requirement, as well as its manufacture under the Register of technical supervision.

QRS certificates are published in electronic form or on paper. The QRS certificates with digital signature are only published in electronic form; based on the certification results, an email is sent to the customer that contains a direct link to the document.

To ensure the transparency, to simplify the search for documents and to protect against forgery, a unique QR code is applied to the RS Certificates. Freely distributable software (freeware) can be used to read it.

Ship equipment, recognition of firms, certification of bulk cargoes

Materials and products used in construction of ships classed with the Register shall be supplied to the shipyard with the certificate of conformity or other documents confirming their compliance with QRS Class requirements, conventions or the IMO recommendations.

Technical supervision of welding

When conducting technical supervision of welding, QRS Class carries out:

  • Approval of welding processes
  • Approval of welding consumables
  • Certification of welders.

Documents issued based on the certification results:

  • Certificate that certifies the welder’s ability to perform welding in accordance with the QRS requirements
  • Certificate of compliance of welding process with the requirements of the QRS Class rules
  • Certificate of compliance of welding consumables with the requirements of the QRS Class Rules.

Recognition and audit of firms

The Register provides technical supervision in industry, which includes materials and product certification and the recognition of firms.

Recognition of organization (firm) – the QRS document confirms the ability of the organization (firm) to render services (perform work) in accordance with QRS requirements.

Recognition of service providers

Confirmation of the ability of the organization (firm) to provide services (perform work) in accordance with QRS requirements.

The service providers are individuals or companies that are not structural subdivisions of the Register and that, at the request or on behalf of the equipment manufacturer, shipyard, shipowner, provide such services as measurements, testing, welding, underwater inspection, repair and maintenance of systems, equipment and safety devices.

Documents issued based on the certification results:

  • Recognition Certificate is a document that certifies the recognition of a company-service provider, which provides services (performs work) in accordance with QRS requirements.

Documents issued based on the survey results:

  • Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer is a document that certifies the recognition by QRS of a firm as a manufacturer of materials and products for ships under QRS technical supervision.

Audit of firms

Confirmation of the ability of a firm to perform certain work in accordance with QRS requirements.

Documents issued based on the certification results:

  • Certificate of Firm Conformity is a document that certifies the compliance of a company with QRS requirements in providing the declared services.